Closed Bug 1007527 Opened 10 years ago Closed 3 years ago

When small images are not loaded, the alt text is overlapped.


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
b2g-v1.3T --- affected


(Reporter: xianmao.meng, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [sprd309149] [partner-blocker] [country-all])


(7 files)

Testing Steps:

a) go to browser > open;
b) Login into gmail;

Testing Result:Two funtional opetion "Search" and " Refresh " got overlap.

also see sprd bug
I don't think we could do anything about it. Because browser tabs are OOP iframe and they are under different domains.
The two option menus are implemented and styled on the website, I think it is better to ask content author to fix it.
Attached image screenshots
Also, I cannot reproduce it. The two option icons seems to be quite normal on my tarako.
Attached image screenshot
This may vary in different regions,the attachment is from our India test member.

It is the text that got overlap rather then the icons.

Whiteboard: [sprd309149]
That might be a TE?  Esp if it happens on a android...
Keywords: qawanted
(In reply to Naoki Hirata :nhirata (please use needinfo instead of cc) from comment #4)
> That might be a TE?  Esp if it happens on a android...

I think it is. We've had loads of problems with anything Google-related historically, as Google has had a bad habit of giving us webkit prefixes.
Component: Gaia::Browser → Mobile
Product: Firefox OS → Tech Evangelism
tested on Firefox OS 1.4 on ZTE Open and unable to reproduce. I get the two icons.
BUT what shows the attachment on

is that No images at all have been loaded into the page (see the missing envelop on the left side), and what we see is the alt text of the images. Firefox is not very good at displaying alt for images which are tiny and very close from each other. I'm pretty sure there must be a bug about it somewhere. 

Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: [sprd309149] → [sprd309149] [country-all]
(In reply to Karl Dubost :karlcow from comment #6)
> tested on Firefox OS 1.4 on ZTE Open and unable to reproduce. I get the two
> icons.
> BUT what shows the attachment on
> is that No images at all have been loaded into the page (see the missing
> envelop on the left side), and what we see is the alt text of the images.
> Firefox is not very good at displaying alt for images which are tiny and
> very close from each other. I'm pretty sure there must be a bug about it
> somewhere. 

It is sure that it is a bug somewhere,why it is marked as INVALID?
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)
Resolution: INVALID → ---
It is explained above, in my previous comment.
This is not a Web Compatibility bug. And it's not related to Mobile either.
*IF* it's a bug it is then related to rendering alt text in Gecko when images are not loaded.

You might want to change to the relevant component 
and check if Bug 41924 has already something about it.
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)
This could be related to Bug 11011 which is closed.
Summary: [tarako]2 functional option got overlap in gmail account . → When small images are not loaded, the alt text is overlapped.
do you know which component this bug should live in?

Summary: When images are not loaded, the alt text overlaps for icons. So it seems slightly related to browser built-in CSS and the Bug 11011.

Flags: needinfo?(dbaron)
Flags: needinfo?(dbaron) → needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Whiteboard: [sprd309149] [country-all] → [sprd309149] [partner-blocker] [country-all]
What are the styles on the relevant <img> elements?  Are these documents in standards mode?

In standards mode we aim to make sure the alt text is completely visible, in general, by treating images that have errors as non-replaced elements (as the HTML spec requires, btw).  How they look after that depends on the CSS the site used.
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Removing qawanted tag, as question appears to have been addressed.
Keywords: qawanted
(In reply to Karl Dubost :karlcow from comment #6)
> tested on Firefox OS 1.4 on ZTE Open and unable to reproduce. I get the two
> icons.
> BUT what shows the attachment on
> is that No images at all have been loaded into the page (see the missing
> envelop on the left side), and what we see is the alt text of the images.
> Firefox is not very good at displaying alt for images which are tiny and
> very close from each other. I'm pretty sure there must be a bug about it
> somewhere. 

Karl, does gmail have a different experience per region and hence you may not be seeing it vs the reporter ? Just wanted to get that piece clarified.
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

:) I based my comment and rationale on his/her screenshot.
See the other following comment too. It's not a Web Compatibility issue. 

A way to reproduce it is by putting a proxy blocking all images and having the alt text displayed instead of the images.

The Comment #11 is what needs to be tested now and creates an interesting question for Accessibility and Usability.
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)
If it's the responsibility of the site owner, it's happening across the board for all devices/browsers. So not really specific to Mozilla. Hmm interesting, maybe a good bug for more of the side of usability.
Hi Karl, any idea on how we move forward on this bug? thanks
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

I eluded about that into #comment 14
We should test across browsers how this issue is handled. 

I created a reduced test case in attachment 
I put the test case online too.

I will upload what it gives in different browsers.
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

Gecko shows the alt.
Opera (blink) and Safari (webkit) show a broken image.
If someone can test on IE. That would be interesting.

The reduced test case shows that when the image is constrained in a small table cell space, the text overlaps. Still not sure it is a Web Compatibility issue. 

Could someone test on Chrome Mobile Android?
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
> If someone can test on IE. That would be interesting.

Here you go.
Excellent, Boris.
So IE and Firefox displays the text overlapping.
The others do not display the text at all.

The overlapping is occurring (if I understood) because the images are in constrained table cells with small width. My feeling is that they should "escape from their box" to not overlap in these circumstances. I have the feeling it could become pretty crowded with a lot of icons.

:/ difficult.

All of that said I don't think it is a Web Compatibility issue. :)
triage: since this isn't a tarako specific problem, let's not block tarako with this bug and put this to backlog
blocking-b2g: 1.3T? → backlog
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
It seems to be something related to UX and Rendering engine of Gecko. :)
Component: Mobile → General
Product: Tech Evangelism → Firefox
In what sense?  This sounds like poor web site design interacting badly with rendering as specified in the HTML5 spec...
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)

In the sense that either current browsers render either no text at all, or overlapping images for ie and firefox. So there's no really a Web Compatibility issue, more a UX issue.

Using table for layouts, even if it's not a very wise choice, but it is a common pattern. Note that the alt text overlapping in case of missing images for voice browsers and other accessibility tools are unlikely to create an issue. It's an issue for people who needs to have access to the text and read it through the visual layout. But in this case, I have a feeling that we should have a way for the browser to identify that the text is too long for the size of the box and rearrange the layout so we can show the text (if we think it's worth fixing). Choices choices. :)

With regards to Google issues in general, there are others with higher priorities, which have big impacts on the general usuability :)
Flags: needinfo?(kdubost)
blocking-b2g: backlog → ---
Per policy at If this bug is not an enhancement request or a bug not present in a supported release of Firefox, then it may be reopened.
Closed: 10 years ago6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
Ever confirmed: true
Resolution: INACTIVE → ---
OS: Gonk (Firefox OS) → Unspecified

Since this is a very old issue and I'm unable to reproduce it on my end I'm going to close it for now.

Feel free to re-open if it still occurs for you while using the latest Firefox version(s).

Closed: 6 years ago3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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